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Grateful Life

With age, good people become priceless

By March 6, 2024March 7th, 2024No Comments
Misty Dian

The older you get, the more you realize; how these good people means to you.

I’m grateful for so many things!

Paling utama I’m blessed with a healthy and loving family.
Mereka demanding banget, tapi at the same time;
Mereka pengertian dan sangat mendukung jika emaknya/istrinya harus lembur, keluar kota atau latihan di jam yang aneh untuk race prep.

Mereka menjadi penjajahku seumur hidup, but I never lost my sovereignty.

I’m also grateful for my friends. Semakin tua, semakin susah ya kita dekat dengan orang baru. Sewaktu umur 20an, rasanya kita bisa seharianngumpul dan pengennya kenalan banyak orang baru.

Sekarang, boro boro deh, udah happy kalau bisa QT dengan a handful of good friends. And the older you get, the more you realize how much these handful of people mean to you.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang ngumpul dan keramaian, I’m also grateful for the precious me-times.

Bisa aja me-time itu ngopi cantik sendirian sambil nyoba pastry.

Atau ke club hiphop dengan pecinta hiphop, walaupun nyampe sananya jam 10 malem (the lame hour atau jam basi, because the club is empty and the DJ is on autoplay), dan pulangnya jam 12 (masih jam basi, the club is still empty and DJ is still on autoplay).

Maklumlah, this 41 year old body susah berfungsi kalau disuruh bergadang disko after midnight.

Speaking of which, walaupun sudah 40 ke atas, I realize I shouldn’t accept the “fate” of a declining mind, spirit and body at a certain age.

Sering dengar:

“udah lah, ngapain sih susah susah gitu, kerja keras gitu, latihan kaya gitu, emang mau jadiapa lagi sih? tau umur dong!”

UMMM…no, no, no people. I’m not snoozing myself into a lower gear because my age says so. I’m 41, and I’m leaving a monthly salary to set up my own start- up. “Yaelah mak, udah tua bikinstart-up?” Ya gitu deh. Emang gue orangnya gak tau umur kok ciin. And that’s a mindset I’m also grateful for!